joi, 16 iunie 2011


Housing S + P + E
Com ... county ...
Employer ...
Phase DTAC


This documentation solve the engineering phase of documentation authorizing the construction, development of microclimate for a single family dwelling S + P + E.
The entire building will be provided with a central heating system
Calculation of heat was made so that heat losses to be compensated in the outer space to be heated.
The heat losses of the rooms have been calculated according to STAS 1907/2000 the following conditions:
Computer-outdoor temperature: te= -15 º C
-Temperatures inland depending on the destination premises that is between 20 and 24ºC
Average wind-speed during the heating 4 ÷ 6m / s
-The building is exposed to wind action
For heating the building cool pet imp installations were provided hot water based heating 90/70 ° C. The installation of central heating will still be bodies, steel radiators installed in all rooms, which will be heated.
Heating installation will be done with the forced circulation and lower distribution system.
Distribution will be done with two distributors, one for downstairs and one for floor, equipped with a stopcock, drain and vent (under the distribution scheme
Distribution pipes under the floor will be ample nivel.Pentru each distribution pipelines will be used Aquatherm PPR pipe or insulated copper coil.
Basement floor level through the distribution is made and where it will connect down the heaters.
The bathrooms will be installed so the steel panel type radiator port and role have prosopcare towel dryer
To control the heat supply or closing, heaters will be provided with stopcock and thermostatic control of the corner.
Exceptions panel type Heaters in bathrooms, Which Will Be Provided Only by closing valves.
On the return of all connections will be mounted radiator valves return
. For venting installation in the highest points of the plant will be installed ventilation devices, air valves on radiators and collectors distributors.                           
Also in the lower sections of the plant were provided by draining valves.
Heating system hot water will be supplied by a boiler operating with natural gas operation, fully automatic.

Boiler capacity 28kW.Se will use a condensing boiler wall forced draft.
Heating plant will be located in a room specially set which will fully meet the specialized rules I6-1998, Q13-2002, P118-1999.
Central heating will prepare hot water boiler with built that can ensure a flow of 17 l / min.
Boiler gas supply will come from a network provider through its branching.
The plant will be equipped with flue basket filter, gas stabilizer, thermostat / cromotermostat exterior ambient temperature probe.
To ensure the microclimate conditions in summer will be fitted split air conditioning equipment to be installed in the main room.

MASURI DE SIGURANTA A INSTALATIEI DE INCALZIRE                                           CU APA CALDA 80/60ºC

Since the central heating system is in a closed circuit, it was agreed that pressure regime 2bar pressure.
The variation in water temperature from the plant, causing a volumetric expansion of it and therefore there is a volume variation of water content in the plant.
Compensation for the volume expansion caused by water in the system will be closed by the expansion vessel wall microcentrale
To protect the plant against accidental increase of pressure over the pressure regime has provided a safety valve ½ "that triggers a higher pressure of 2.2bar.
Filling water plant so the plant is always full, will be carried through, the water will be softened by the addition of local systems
Power supply will be a protection contact socket.
The commissioning of the boiler is required to prepare its provider panel that must include the book checking ISCIR. .                                                
For flue boiler will be equipped with a forced draft kit specifically compatible with the type of facility and will purchase along with central heatin
Starting the boiler will be made by the supplier
Before commissioning the plant and wash it will be pressure and leak tests.
The water supply pipe will be installed a boiler maker "Y" and a magnetic filter scale.
Central heating will also be fitted with a filter regulator on the gas supply pipe.
Gas power plant will be designed and executed by a leisure company by DGN.
The draft provisions were complied with the following standards and technical regulations:
1.SR -1907 / 1,2-heaters, heat requirement calculation
2.C-107 / 2005 Global Standard for calculating coefficients of thermal insulation of buildings
3.Law-law 10/1995 on quality construction
4.Law-law 50/1991 with subsequent amendments
5.Law-law  608/2001 on conformity assessment of products
6.Law-law with  622/2004 the European Council Directive 89
7.Law-law  319/06.2006 munca Safety at work
8.Law-law  307/2006 on fire protection

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